Dear prospective member,

We're delighted to hear you are interested in transferring to Pinehouse Drive SDA Church! At Pinehouse SDA Church, we prioritize spiritual growth, fellowship, and service to others. Our members are committed to living out the teachings of Jesus Christ and creating a warm and inclusive environment for everyone. We offer a range of ministries and activities to cater to our members' diverse needs and interests, including worship services, Sabbath School classes, community outreach programs, and social events.

It is essential to fill out this online form or contact our Church Clerk from the Contact Us page to provide you with the most up-to-date information on their transfer procedure. Once the necessary steps have been completed, the church will process your membership transfer. They may inform your previous church about your decision and request the transfer of your records.

We wish you a smooth transition and a meaningful spiritual journey at Pinehouse Drive SDA Church!


Fill Out This Membership Transfer Form